Get the configuration for an api key
The ID of the key you want to retrieve.
The id of the key
The first few characters of the key to visually identify it.
The id of the workspace that owns the key
The id of the api that this key is for
The name of the key, give keys a name to easily identify their purpose
The id of the tenant associated with this key. Use whatever reference you have in your system to identify the tenant. When verifying the key, we will send this field back to you, so you know who is accessing your API.
Any additional metadata you want to store with the key
The unix timestamp in milliseconds when the key was created
The unix timestamp in milliseconds when the key was deleted. We don’t delete the key outright, you can restore it later.
The unix timestamp in milliseconds when the key will expire. If this field is null or undefined, the key is not expiring.
The number of requests that can be made with this key before it becomes invalid. If this field is null or undefined, the key has no request limit.
Unkey allows you to refill remaining verifications on a key on a regular interval.